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Retention Strategies
One of the greatest challenges facing Organisations generally is attracting and retaining talented Employees.
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Collective Redundancies
One of the biggest impacts on the employment market is the decision to reduce headcount and right size the Organisation.
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Employment Law
In the coming months, it is widely expected that the Right to Request to Work Remotely the Government will be looking to enact.
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Conflict & Disputes
Conflict in the workplace is unavoidable. Every workplace has different personalities, backgrounds and opinions so it is inevitable there will be disagreements.
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Remote Working
Earlier this year, the Government agreed the heads of bill for the new remote working legislation.
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Pay & Benefits
Our research found that over half of Organisations are increasing salaries in 2022.
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Return to Work Checklist
Our Return to Work Checklist will help employers meet the parameters set out in the Protocols.
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Dignity at Work – Anti-Bullying
On the 23rd January 2021, the new Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work was published.