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Annual Leave Considerations And Travel Abroad

While there has been much debate on the production of a ‘Green List’ of countries and territories where individuals can travel from and enter Ireland without having to restrict their movements, the Government has this week published the ‘green list’. Fifteen countries and territories feature on the list, which is intended to be updated every two weeks.
Notwithstanding the publication of this list the government advice remains that all non-essential overseas travel to and from Ireland is not advised, but with the green list now effective Employers are in the precarious position of deciding how to deal with the aftermath of potential international travel and an Employees statutory right to annual leave.
Under the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 all Employees, whether they are full-time, part-time, temporary or casual, earn annual leave entitlements from the time they start work. However, under section 20 of the Act the Employer can determine the timing of an Employee’s annual leave, taking into consideration work and personal requirements and consulting with the Employee or the relevant union one month in advance of the leave commencing.
In the current environment dealing with annual leave requests and anticipating the impact on business, should travel outside green list territories become a reality, means that Employers must approach this once simple HR matter in a pragmatic and compliant way.

A full list of FAQ’s on this topic is available on our dedicated online HR resource, Linea.

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Disclaimer – The information in this section is provided for reference purposes only to assist Employers with the government protocols, and guidance and must be read in that context and should not be used for or interpreted as a legal definition of any of the information provided. Professional advice should always be sought before making any such decisions.

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