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Performance and Talent Management

In well-managed organisations, Performance and Talent Management is one of the most powerful instruments that hr Management has to mobilise the energy and discretionary contribution of every employee toward the achievement of strategic goals. Our services include:

  • Assist in the design and implementation of Performance and Talent Management processes that optimise performance and develop talent

  • Review existing systems, if in place, and make recommendations for change based on our experience of best practice in process and system design and implementation

  • Train Supervisors and People Managers to build their competence and confidence in carrying out their role within the Performance and Talent Management processes

  • Support Boards and top tier management in capacity and succession planning


What is Performance Management?

Performance management is a process that helps Employers and People Managers monitor and evaluate Employees' work. The goal of performance management is to create a workplace where people can perform at the best of their abilities. It has been defined as “systems and attitudes that help Organisations to plan, delegate and assess the operation of their services” and includes:

  •  A shared vision of the Organisation’s objectives communicated via a mission statement to all Employees

  •  Individual performance targets which are related to operating unit and wider Organisational objectives

  • Regular formal review of progress towards targets

  • A review process which identifies training and development needs and rewards outcomes

  • An evaluation of the effectiveness of the whole process and its contribution to overall Organisational performance to allow changes and improvements to be made

Performance management is normally seen as a strategic management process that seeks to ensure that Employees focus on explicit goals or targets that are directly and explicitly linked to Organisational goals. It is a process which has evolved from a concept of ‘management by objectives’ (MBO) and emphasises the need for workers to focus on achieving performance targets. Thus, it requires the establishment of explicit job targets which, in turn, are related to development objectives to ensure Employees have the requisite knowledge and skills to achieve their targets.

Normative models of performance management generally outline a step-by-step approach premised on the idea that performance targets for Employees are directed and driven by corporate objectives which are in turn translated into team or sectional targets and ultimately to individual job targets.

Performance appraisal is seen as a central pillar in the evaluation process, representing a formal systematic process for evaluating Employee performance which, in turn, informs decisions on pay, promotion, training and development. It normally involves a formal annual review of individual Employee performance conducted by Line Managers. However, considerable variation can occur in both the frequency of appraisals and in those responsible for the conduct of appraisal, e.g. other higher level Managers may be involved, while 360 degree appraisals, involving peers and/or ‘customers’ may also be used.

For further information on our services, contact Us: info@adarehrm.ie / (01) 561 3594.